
Principals Blog

Services and Agencies

The Cheder partners with various agencies to provide support and counseling for our students.  The impact of these services cannot be fully expressed.  The agencies and service providers have become more familiar with the cheder culture and with improved communication with the Rebbies, Teachers and the principles, the impact on the students has been revolutionary.


We provide three agencies the opportunity to work at cheder and collaborate closely with them. They offer a variety of services including: Play Therapy, Speech therapy, Talk Therapy, ABA and other supportive therapies. They are BAPS, Achieve, and Kids First. Each agency has a unique approach and their therapists.


Their contact information is: 

BAPS - 845-596-2271

Achieve Behavioral Health Intake Department

845-425-5252 ext. 330

Kids First - 845-425-2299


We encourage you to reach out to them if you feel your child is struggling emotionally, socially or with areas of executive function. 

Please reach out to these agencies to discuss the area of your concern and insurances they accept. We recommend keeping it in mind and bringing it up when meeting with your son’s Rebbi and/or teacher at PTC. 


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