
Meforshim Program

Monday, 4 May, 2020 - 2:17 pm

 WhatsApp Image 2020-05-04 at 11.10.44 AM.jpeg

📖 Meforshim Program

In the Boys school, we have created the Meforshim Project לזכות ולרפאוה שלימה לרפאל אברהם ישעיה בן רבקה. 

We will IYH be learning about the life story and biography of the mefarshim on the חומש and ש"ס.

Mefarshim Program Schedule:

Every week Talmidim in grades 5-8 will learn about a Meforash- Who they were, what they wrote, and where on the page you can find them in the חומש or גמרה. Lessons will include exciting stories, fun facts and a timeline of the life of these mefarshim.

After studying, understanding, and scoring well on each of the tests, the top 12 finalists will enter into a grand finale when they will compete in front of the rest of the cheder.

Raffles and surprises every week for those participating!

This program is optional.

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